Sunday, June 19, 2011

5 More Days!!

In five short days (one of them being my birthday!), the Mario Marathon starts.  In five days, 4 grown men (with the help/support of their significant others/children/employers/friends) are going to sacrifice sleep, showers, proper meals, privacy, and sleep for an undetermined amount of time.  In five days, they're going to give hours, and days of their own time for charity. 

In five days, they're going to play Mario games.

That's right, Mario games. 

It's quite amazing, actually.  If you haven't yet, go check out some of their previous Mario Marathons (this is the fourth year of marathons) and watch the hilarity unfold as they sit around, playing video games and encouraging people to donate to Child's Play Charity.  If you're a regular follower of this blog, you're a person of class and incredibly intelligent, and you also remember that I wrote a post about what the Mario Marathon and Child's Play Charity is all about.  If you haven't read it yet, that's alright, I forgive you.  But as a penance, you should probably go to that little wiget I have on the side and donate.  It's to the right of your screen.  See it?  It's under the list of posts and above my bio.  Yeah, that blue box there that says Mario Marathon in really cool font.  Click it.  Click it, now. 

Can't donate?  That's okay.  Come check out the marathon and see for yourself how amazing these guys are, and how much fun this marathon is.  With any luck, it will inspire you to spread the word which in turn might generate more donations for this awesome cause. 

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